NM Family Guide: NMPED Parents Resource Guide to help you understand how to help your child succeed in school, and much more.

WHCS Sample School Of Origin Best Interest Determination Form

WHCS Student Assessment Form

WHCS NM Revised Housing Survery

WHCS Referral to Homeless Liaison

Homeless Liaison: Francine Garcia - fgarcia@walatowahcs.org

WHCS Educational Rights of Students Experiencing Homelessness or Unaccomplished Youth

EOC Exams: “Assessments created by New Mexico teachers for New Mexico students.”

End of Course (EoC) exam results are also used to establish a measure of teacher effectiveness, to create common measures for course content and as an alternate demonstration of competency for graduation requirements for students. Passing scores on New Mexico EoCs are indicative of a student being minimally proficient as described in the performance level descriptors and course alignment to curricular standards.

Being a Parent in College:
Financial Aid Resources:

Private Student Loan Guide:

Graduation Requirements:

New Mexico’s graduation requirements—necessary for students to earn a Diploma of Excellence—provide students with strong preparation for college and career readiness. Currently, far too many students drop out or graduate from high school without the knowledge and skills required for success in the 21st century workplace and/or post-secondary education, closing doors, and limiting future options.

Khan Academy and the preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT):

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that hosts a web-based instructional platform that provides lessons in 28 subject areas. The PSAT is a component of the SAT Suite of Assessments. The redesigned SAT Suite uses a common score scale, providing consistent feedback across assessments to help educators and students monitor growth across grades and to identify areas in need of improvement.
Red Rocks Reporter: Pueblo of Jemez, 4417 Highway 4, Box 100, Jemez Pueblo, NM 87024
Jemez Online Post: The Jemez Post, previously the Jemez Daily Post, serves the local Jemez Valley communities, Sandoval County, New Mexico and beyond with news, comment, photo essays, and opportunities for submissions.